Colorpuncture:  Non-invasive Acupuncure using colored light
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Benefits of Colorpuncture

"I want to thank you for the Colorpuncture treatment you gave me at the Women's Weekend.  As you know, I had a fabulously grounded weekend, but I also have had no pain from my knees ever since."
~ Roxy Grimshaw, London England

"I have experienced Kay Vogel's work as intuitive, knowing, deeply caring and expertly administered.  Kay and Colorpuncture have literally carried me through a period of muscular and nerve deterioration that had left me in chronic pain and unable to practice my profession of 12 years.  I am now on a path of emotional, mental and spiritual recovery and pursuing training for another career."
~ D. Daniel, Life Coach

"It's not something I can exactly put my finger on, however since receiving Colorpuncture treatments I have quit smoking, I feel more alive and more present in my life.  I've let go of some beliefs that have stopped me from being who I wanted to be."
~ Adonna Braely, Executive Assistant

"I believe that Colorpuncture treatments helped me to overcome the chemotherapy treatments I was given.  I feel that if I had not had the Colorpuncture treatments I would not be here giving this testimony of health and life.  I thank God for this opportunity to keep on living thanks to Kay and all of the people who have been working towards helping humanity, especially the ones that discovered this type of therapy."
~ Tere Ibarra, Cancer Survivor

"When I first came for Colorpuncture treatment, I was in excruciating pain, was dependent on a scooter for mobility and was physically deteriorating.  After eight months of working with Kay, I have lost 65 pounds, am relatively pain free and completely mobile, I feel fully alive and content in my life, work and spirit."
~ Gwen Knight, HR


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